
Colacem Sustainability Report 2022 To get detailed information on the results achieved by Colacem in the economic, environmental and social fields. The most relevant data related to sustainability performance of the other sister companies operating in the Group’s core business, are also highlighted.
Summary of Colacem Sustainability Report 2022 To know the most important results achieved by Colacem in the economic, environmental and social fields.
Colacem Financial Statements 2022 For information on the economic trend and on the Coalcem company net worth and financial situation. 
Cemento 4.0 Short Colacem presentation supported by photos. Corporate philosophy, production sites, products, technical and commercial assistance.
Il nostro processo produttivo Colacem's factories overview around the world: the production capacity and the sustainability-oriented industrial approach.
AITEC-LEGAMBIENTE Mining Area Guidelines Guidelines for proper designing, management and restoration of mining areas. Examples and good practices from the cement industry.
Grey Matter – 2000 years of creativity Cement, more than any other material has contributed in building comfortable living spaces. A star player in the creation of human culture and civilization, today, cement is also art, creativity and design.
Forte e sostenibilie English-language brochure, where the Group's italian and foreign production units and related production capacities are detailed , along with a description  of  the sustainable industrial approach adopted in both the  mining and processing steps.
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