Colacem’s philosophy is inspired by the principles of efficiency, fairness and loyalty, which are applied within the management and business process.
Colacem Spa has adopted the organizational and management Model pursuant to ex Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, which has introduced a system of administrative/criminal liability against companies for certain types of offenses provided by the same Legislative Decree no. 231/01, thus adapting and integrating their organizational system to the provisions of these regulations.
The Model adopted consists of a number of elements: evaluation of activities potentially at risk; principles, regulations and rules of conduct; monitoring tools; procedures and control protocols; training and information; disciplinary system; Supervisory Body and information flows. The model has the main purpose of ensuring the prevention of the crimes set out by the decree itself.
The Organization, Management, and Control Model pursuant to ex Legislative Decree no.231/01 was approved by the Board of Directors of Colacem S.p.A. by resolution on 24 February 2010, with which the Supervisory Body was appointed.
The principles, rules and regulations contained in the model adopted by Colacem Spa are binding for directors, employees, and for all those who work for various reasons on behalf of and interest of Colacem Spa. Colacem Spa has also adopted a Code of Ethics that defines the set of values that are recognized , accepted and shared by the company at all levels, in the performance of any business activities.
The principles and provisions of the Code of Ethics are illustrative of specifications of the general obligations of diligence, honesty and loyalty that qualify work performance, behavior in the workplace and the activities of the company itself. The Board of Directors of the company adopted the Colacem Spa Code of Ethics on 24 February 2010.
Furthermore, in compliance with art. 6, paragraph 1, lett. b), of Legislative Decree no. 231/2001, Colacem Spa has established and appointed its Supervisory Body, having independent power of initiative and control, which is responsible for overseeing the effectiveness and compliance with the Model, and taking care of any updating.
At this purpose, the Supervisory Body , who is the recipient of any information and records relating to the Model adopted by Colacem Spa and any eventual violations of the organizational Model adopted by the company, can be contacted at the following addresses: mailing address:
Colacem Spa – Organismo di Vigilanza, Via della Vittorina, 60 – 06024 Gubbio (PG);
e-mail address: